NoOps to your Kubernetes cluster

This is the most typical scenario where a cluster is deployed, and we are fortunate to be using Talos to run Kubernetes, which puts us in a great position as we don't need to worry about managing OS/Kubernetes updates. However, the cluster only includes the core Kubernetes software such as the control plane, etcd, and certificates, as well as CNI, without any additional features. These additional features may be essential for DevOps/SRE teams to utilize the latest containerization stack.

Other important aspects such as monitoring & logging and observability, RBAC and AuthN/AuthZ model and tooling, and metrics for proper management and automation are not provided by default. Even if we think about autoscaling, it is still necessary to implement a proper monitoring system.

Typically, when you have your cluster deployed, you might want to have this technologies applied down to your cluster:

  • Ingress controller - Nginx / Contour if envoy is needed
  • Bare-metal loadbalancing - MetalLB
  • SSL Certs handling - Cert-manager
  • DNS management - external-dns
  • AuthN/AuthZ - Dex / OAuth2 & RBAC configured
  • Monitoring - Prometheus & Grafana stack
  • Logging - Loki / Elasticsearch
  • Container Registry - Harbor / Trow / jfrog artifactory
  • Service Mesh - Istio / LinkerD
  • GitOps and progressive delivery - Argo stack, Flux, Flagger, Argo rollout
  • Secret Management - Vault / Sealed-secrets
  • CI/CD - Tekton, rancher fleet, devtron, argo workflows, werf etc.
  • Other tooling - Reloader, image-sync, secret-copier etc.
  • CSI tech - Rook / Linstor / Local-path-provisioner / OpenEBS / Longhorn etc.

The number of tools needed for a Kubernetes cluster depends on the requirements of the developers and operation teams. However, it would be easier if there was a tool that could set everything up for you. Some platforms like Openshift/OKD/Rancher might offer solutions out of the box, but this can lead to vendor lock-in.

To address this issue, the term NoOps was coined. NoOps means that a platform can be used in an existing cluster without the need to configure and install each tool individually. Everything is pre-configured, and it is simply a matter of installing it using the platform tooling. Two NoOps platforms are Kubesphere and Deckhouse.

In this post, the we are going to try out the Deckhouse platform because of its monitoring stack and software, which appears more interesting based on the documentation provided on However, we may consider trying Kubesphere in the future because it offers more features for CI/CD and GitOps approaches, making it more powerful from a development perspective.

Deckhouse platform

"Deckhouse Platform presents to you the opportunity to create homogeneous Kubernetes clusters anywhere and handles comprehensive, automagical management for them. It supplies all the add-ons you need for auto-scaling, observability, security, and service mesh. Deckhouse is a certified Kubernetes."

  • Deploying Deckhouse is easy as can be: a couple of CLI commands and 8 minutes and you've got production-ready Kubernetes.
  • Ready-to-use configurations for each cloud provider available — just choose the one that suits you the best.
  • Even deploying on bare metal is no longer a big deal.

Thus, Deckhouse do offer different models of deploying it. It runs both on bare metal servers and on the infrastructure of the supported cloud providers. The installation process differs depending on the infrastructure chosen, thus they provide various installation, and we are specifically interested in this one:

Deckhouse Platform installation in existing cluster


  • OS: Windows 10+, macOS 10.15+, Linux (e.g. Ubuntu 18.04+, Fedora 35+);
  • installed docker to run the installer (here are the instructions for Ubuntu, macOS, Windows);
  • HTTPS access to the container image registry (it is also possible to use a third-party registry);
  • the kubectl command-line tool must be configured to communicate with your cluster.

The existing Kubernetes cluster:

You will need a running Kubernetes cluster with the supported Kubernetes version and OS.

config.yml file to bootstrap the cluster

The recommended settings for a Deckhouse Platform Community Edition installation are generated below:

  • config.yml — a file with the configuration needed to bootstrap the cluster. Contains the installer parameters, access parameters, and the initial cluster parameters.
# section for bootstrapping the Deckhouse cluster (InitConfiguration)
# version of the Deckhouse API
# type of the configuration section
kind: InitConfiguration
# Deckhouse parameters
  # the release channel in use
  releaseChannel: Stable
  # the Minimal bundle is used when installing Deckhouse in an existing cluster
  bundle: Minimal
        # template that will be used for system apps domains within the cluster
        # e.g., Grafana for %s.wildcard.domain.for.your.cluster will be available as grafana.wildcard.domain.for.your.cluster
        publicDomainTemplate: "%s.wildcard.domain.for.your.cluster"
        # you might consider changing this
          - SystemLoad
    # You can enable modules here
    certManagerEnabled: true
    extendedMonitoringEnabled: true
    monitoringCustomEnabled: true
    monitoringKubernetesControlPlaneEnabled: true
    monitoringKubernetesEnabled: true
    monitoringPingEnabled: true
    namespaceConfiguratorEnabled: true
    operatorPrometheusCrdEnabled: true
    operatorPrometheusEnabled: true
    podReloaderEnabled: true
    priorityClassEnabled: true
    prometheusCrdEnabled: true
    prometheusEnabled: true
    prometheusMetricsAdapterEnabled: true
    secretCopierEnabled: true
    upmeterEnabled: true
    userAuthnCrdEnabled: true
    userAuthnEnabled: true
    userAuthzEnabled: true
    verticalPodAutoscalerCrdEnabled: true
    verticalPodAutoscalerEnabled: true
    ingressNginxEnabled: true
    deckhouseWebEnabled: true
    dashboardEnabled: true
    smokeMiniEnabled: true
    logShipperEnabled: true


Use a Docker image to install the Deckhouse Platform. It is necessary to transfer configuration files to the container.

docker run --pull=always -it -v "$PWD/config.yml:/config.yml" \
  -v "$HOME/.kube/config:/kubeconfig" bash


  • Kubectl configuration file with access to Kubernetes API must be mount as the /kubeconfig file in the container.

Now, to initiate the process of installation, you need to execute inside the container:

dhctl bootstrap-phase install-deckhouse --kubeconfig=/kubeconfig --config=/config.yml

After the installation is complete, you will be returned to the command line.

[deckhouse] root@3ae15e4f6643 / # dhctl bootstrap-phase install-deckhouse --kubeconfig=/kubeconfig --config=/config.yml
┌ ⛵ ~ Bootstrap: Install Deckhouse
│ ┌ 🎈 ~ Common: Connect to Kubernetes API
│ │ ┌ Get Kubernetes API client
│ │ │ 🎉 Succeeded!
│ │ └ Get Kubernetes API client (0.02 seconds)
│ │
│ │ ┌ Waiting for Kubernetes API to become Ready
│ │ │ 🎉 Succeeded!
│ │ └ Waiting for Kubernetes API to become Ready (0.03 seconds)
│ └ 🎈 ~ Common: Connect to Kubernetes API (0.11 seconds)
│ ┌ ⛵ ~ Bootstrap: Install Deckhouse
│ │ ┌ Create Manifests
│ │ │ Manifest for Namespace "d8-system"
│ │ │ Manifest for Admin ClusterRole "cluster-admin"
│ │ │ Admin ClusterRole "cluster-admin" already exists. Trying to update ... OK!
│ │ │ Manifest for ClusterRoleBinding "deckhouse"
│ │ │ Manifest for ServiceAccount "deckhouse"
│ │ │ Manifest for ConfigMap "deckhouse"
│ │ │ Manifest for Secret "deckhouse-registry"
│ │ │ Manifest for Deployment "deckhouse"
│ │ └ Create Manifests (0.23 seconds)
│ │
│ │ ┌ Waiting for Deckhouse to become Ready
│ │ │ No Deckhouse pod found.
│ │ │ Deckhouse pod found: deckhouse-77ccbbcbd4-w4sv5 (Pending)
│ │ │ Deckhouse pod found: deckhouse-77ccbbcbd4-w4sv5 (Pending)
│ │ │ Deckhouse pod found: deckhouse-77ccbbcbd4-w4sv5 (Pending)
│ │ │ Deckhouse pod found: deckhouse-77ccbbcbd4-w4sv5 (Pending)
│ │ │ Deckhouse pod found: deckhouse-77ccbbcbd4-w4sv5 (Pending)
│ │ │ Deckhouse pod found: deckhouse-77ccbbcbd4-w4sv5 (Running)
│ │ │ Running pod found! Checking logs...
│ │ │   Module "priority-class" run successfully
│ │ │   Module "user-authn-crd" run successfully
│ │ │   Module "vertical-pod-autoscaler-crd" run successfully
│ │ │ Request failed. Probably pod was restarted during installation.
│ │ │ Deckhouse pod found: deckhouse-6b9d7756bb-zs8b6 (Pending)
│ │ │ Deckhouse pod found: deckhouse-6b9d7756bb-zs8b6 (Pending)
│ │ │ Deckhouse pod found: deckhouse-6b9d7756bb-zs8b6 (Pending)
│ │ │ Deckhouse pod found: deckhouse-6b9d7756bb-zs8b6 (Pending)
│ │ │ Deckhouse pod found: deckhouse-6b9d7756bb-zs8b6 (Pending)
│ │ │ Deckhouse pod found: deckhouse-6b9d7756bb-zs8b6 (Pending)
│ │ │ Deckhouse pod found: deckhouse-6b9d7756bb-zs8b6 (Pending)
│ │ │ Deckhouse pod found: deckhouse-6b9d7756bb-zs8b6 (Running)
│ │ │ Running pod found! Checking logs...
│ │ │   Module "deckhouse" run successfully
│ │ │   Module "cert-manager" run successfully
│ │ │   Module "user-authn" run successfully
│ │ │   Module "operator-prometheus" run successfully
│ │ │   prometheus/: 2022/08/17 09:20:15 [INFO] generate received request
│ │ │   prometheus/: 2022/08/17 09:20:15 [INFO] received CSR
│ │ │   prometheus/: 2022/08/17 09:20:15 [INFO] generating key: ecdsa-256
│ │ │   prometheus/: 2022/08/17 09:20:15 [INFO] encoded CSR
│ │ │   prometheus/: 2022/08/17 09:20:18 [INFO] generate received request
│ │ │   prometheus/: 2022/08/17 09:20:18 [INFO] received CSR
│ │ │   prometheus/: 2022/08/17 09:20:18 [INFO] generating key: ecdsa-256
│ │ │   prometheus/: 2022/08/17 09:20:18 [INFO] encoded CSR
│ │ │   Module "prometheus" run successfully
│ │ │ Request failed. Probably pod was restarted during installation.
│ │ │ Deckhouse pod found: deckhouse-fdd54c8c8-28lmn (Pending)
│ │ │ Deckhouse pod found: deckhouse-fdd54c8c8-28lmn (Running)
│ │ │ Running pod found! Checking logs...
│ │ │   Module "operator-prometheus-crd" run successfully
│ │ │   Module "priority-class" run successfully
│ │ │   Module "prometheus-crd" run successfully
│ │ │   Module "vertical-pod-autoscaler-crd" run successfully
│ │ │   Module "deckhouse" run successfully
│ │ │   Module "user-authz" run successfully
│ │ │   Module "operator-prometheus" run successfully
│ │ │   Module "vertical-pod-autoscaler" run successfully
│ │ │   Module "extended-monitoring" run successfully
│ │ │   Module "monitoring-custom" run successfully
│ │ │   monitoring-kubernetes-control-plane/: WARNING: Can't find etcd pod to discover scheme and port.
│ │ │   Module "monitoring-kubernetes-control-plane" run successfully
│ │ │   Module "monitoring-ping" run successfully
│ │ │   Module "ingress-nginx" run successfully
│ │ │   Module "pod-reloader" run successfully
│ │ │   Module "upmeter" run successfully
│ │ │   Module "namespace-configurator" run successfully
│ │ │ Deckhouse pod is Ready!
│ │ └ Waiting for Deckhouse to become Ready (318.04 seconds)
│ └ ⛵ ~ Bootstrap: Install Deckhouse (318.28 seconds)
└ ⛵ ~ Bootstrap: Install Deckhouse (318.39 seconds)

Next step is to create Ingress controller and user name so you can be able to access the services:

Note: if you deployed Deckhouse on Baremetal cluster, you need to add MetalLb to the cluster so you can create a LoadBalancer service within the cluster for Nginx Ingress Controller.

kind: IngressNginxController
  name: main
  # We need to use version 1.1 because Talos cluster version is 1.23+
  controllerVersion: "1.1"
  ingressClass: nginx
  inlet: LoadBalancer
    mode: VPA
      mode: Auto
        max: 100m
        max: 200Mi
kind: ClusterAuthorizationRule
  name: admin
  # Kubernetes RBAC accounts list
  - kind: User
    name: [email protected]
  # pre-defined access template
  accessLevel: SuperAdmin
  # allow user to do kubectl port-forward
  portForwarding: true
# section containing the parameters of the static user
# version of the Deckhouse API
kind: User
  name: admin
  # user e-mail
  email: [email protected]
  # this is a hash of the password b5v2ui7t9t, generated  now
  # generate your own or use it at your own risk (for testing purposes)
  # echo "b5v2ui7t9t" | htpasswd -BinC 10 "" | cut -d: -f2
  # you might consider changing this
  password: '$2a$10$Ib.R9jq0ZJc/95PKPubGnOFl6OmZyEa1mHB.tJer8iiqsEn.XopvC'

Now that we have installed and properly configured Deckhouse, let’s look at what we have got in the cluster:

kubectl get po -A
NAMESPACE                       NAME                                              READY   STATUS              RESTARTS          AGE
cilium                          cilium-cj7z8                                      1/1     Running             0                 22h
cilium                          cilium-d77pc                                      1/1     Running             0                 22h
cilium                          cilium-dlxkg                                      1/1     Running             0                 22h
cilium                          cilium-j5bsm                                      1/1     Running             0                 22h
cilium                          cilium-jmzdj                                      1/1     Running             0                 22h
cilium                          cilium-njggw                                      1/1     Running             0                 22h
cilium                          cilium-operator-5bf866cbd6-5jrb5                  1/1     Running             0                 22h
cilium                          cilium-operator-5bf866cbd6-76b5q                  1/1     Running             0                 22h
cilium                          cilium-rdh2g                                      1/1     Running             0                 22h
cilium                          cilium-vgkq7                                      1/1     Running             0                 22h
d8-cert-manager                 annotations-converter-webhook-975f65684-4q9tf     1/1     Running             0                 21h
d8-cert-manager                 annotations-converter-webhook-975f65684-8hf8z     1/1     Running             0                 21h
d8-cert-manager                 annotations-converter-webhook-975f65684-p8f2x     1/1     Running             0                 21h
d8-cert-manager                 cainjector-569d94675-9q6j5                        1/1     Running             0                 22h
d8-cert-manager                 cainjector-569d94675-fw7v6                        1/1     Running             0                 22h
d8-cert-manager                 cainjector-569d94675-sx4bg                        1/1     Running             0                 22h
d8-cert-manager                 cert-manager-7dc789f76f-dcfdg                     2/2     Running             0                 7h56m
d8-cert-manager                 cert-manager-7dc789f76f-k7ptz                     2/2     Running             0                 7h57m
d8-cert-manager                 webhook-5df5d9bc9f-8jb9p                          1/1     Running             0                 22h
d8-cert-manager                 webhook-5df5d9bc9f-9zxjj                          1/1     Running             0                 22h
d8-cert-manager                 webhook-5df5d9bc9f-zfp56                          1/1     Running             0                 22h
d8-dashboard                    dashboard-765bc7987f-7px49                        1/1     Running             0                 21h
d8-dashboard                    dashboard-765bc7987f-vdxb6                        1/1     Running             0                 21h
d8-dashboard                    dashboard-dex-authenticator-54f967d6f7-2vrln      2/2     Running             1 (21h ago)       21h
d8-dashboard                    dashboard-dex-authenticator-54f967d6f7-zcnsc      2/2     Running             1                 21h
d8-dashboard                    metrics-scraper-b669d7c56-jrr5p                   1/1     Running             0                 21h
d8-dashboard                    metrics-scraper-b669d7c56-n69qg                   1/1     Running             0                 21h
d8-ingress-nginx                controller-main-j72r8                             3/3     Running             0                 21h
d8-ingress-nginx                controller-main-ksnsh                             3/3     Running             0                 21h
d8-ingress-nginx                controller-main-nsbfs                             3/3     Running             0                 21h
d8-ingress-nginx                controller-main-qpxvz                             3/3     Running             0                 21h
d8-ingress-nginx                controller-main-rxzgm                             3/3     Running             0                 21h
d8-monitoring                   control-plane-proxy-425f55b4-596hh                0/3     Running             0                 21h
d8-monitoring                   control-plane-proxy-425f55b4-ntvz4                0/3     Running             0                 21h
d8-monitoring                   control-plane-proxy-425f55b4-qcz7q                0/3     Running             0                 21h
d8-monitoring                   ebpf-exporter-bhmgm                               2/2     Running             0                 21h
d8-monitoring                   ebpf-exporter-ghb2m                               2/2     Running             0                 21h
d8-monitoring                   ebpf-exporter-mcdl9                               2/2     Running             0                 21h
d8-monitoring                   ebpf-exporter-mf2wc                               2/2     Running             0                 21h
d8-monitoring                   ebpf-exporter-mrq9j                               2/2     Running             0                 21h
d8-monitoring                   ebpf-exporter-ngdsn                               2/2     Running             0                 21h
d8-monitoring                   ebpf-exporter-q5n4s                               2/2     Running             0                 21h
d8-monitoring                   ebpf-exporter-sqn7r                               2/2     Running             0                 21h
d8-monitoring                   extended-monitoring-exporter-5b98646445-x5jh9     2/2     Running             0                 22h
d8-monitoring                   grafana-dex-authenticator-5b4d784d6b-qptbw        2/2     Running             1 (21h ago)       21h
d8-monitoring                   grafana-dex-authenticator-5b4d784d6b-xqg7z        2/2     Running             1 (21h ago)       21h
d8-monitoring                   grafana-fd84cc744-66hgn                           3/3     Running             0                 6h54m
d8-monitoring                   grafana-fd84cc744-6vmtn                           3/3     Running             0                 6h52m
d8-monitoring                   image-availability-exporter-6958c96ccb-dcg4z      2/2     Running             0                 22h
d8-monitoring                   kube-state-metrics-64fd9856cd-mxlgm               2/2     Running             0                 16h
d8-monitoring                   kube-state-metrics-64fd9856cd-s59ks               2/2     Running             0                 16h
d8-monitoring                   monitoring-ping-2qbgn                             1/1     Running             0                 21h
d8-monitoring                   monitoring-ping-9qc8k                             1/1     Running             0                 21h
d8-monitoring                   monitoring-ping-c74j5                             1/1     Running             0                 21h
d8-monitoring                   monitoring-ping-cgvwm                             1/1     Running             0                 21h
d8-monitoring                   monitoring-ping-p9w4b                             1/1     Running             0                 21h
d8-monitoring                   monitoring-ping-smmfq                             1/1     Running             0                 21h
d8-monitoring                   monitoring-ping-v6t7s                             1/1     Running             0                 21h
d8-monitoring                   monitoring-ping-v9clc                             1/1     Running             0                 21h
d8-monitoring                   node-exporter-4chvh                               2/3     Running             261 (3m13s ago)   21h
d8-monitoring                   node-exporter-6bkhn                               2/3     Running             260 (4m7s ago)    21h
d8-monitoring                   node-exporter-92ntw                               2/3     Running             260 (4m32s ago)   21h
d8-monitoring                   node-exporter-bkbkm                               2/3     Running             261 (2m2s ago)    21h
d8-monitoring                   node-exporter-fvmqp                               2/3     Running             258 (86s ago)     21h
d8-monitoring                   node-exporter-hwdbp                               2/3     Running             261 (28s ago)     21h
d8-monitoring                   node-exporter-l95qq                               2/3     Running             261 (97s ago)     21h
d8-monitoring                   node-exporter-sdtg9                               2/3     Running             261 (2m40s ago)   21h
d8-monitoring                   prometheus-longterm-0                             3/3     Running             0                 22h
d8-monitoring                   prometheus-main-0                                 3/3     Running             0                 22h
d8-monitoring                   prometheus-main-1                                 3/3     Running             0                 22h
d8-monitoring                   prometheus-metrics-adapter-65495cf479-86jv7       2/2     Running             0                 22h
d8-monitoring                   prometheus-metrics-adapter-65495cf479-bmx5s       2/2     Running             0                 22h
d8-monitoring                   prometheus-metrics-adapter-65495cf479-q78lm       2/2     Running             0                 22h
d8-monitoring                   trickster-757f6cc66c-6w2j4                        2/2     Running             0                 9h
d8-monitoring                   trickster-757f6cc66c-nvhp4                        2/2     Running             0                 9h
d8-operator-prometheus          prometheus-operator-994cd8c95-9p5v4               2/2     Running             0                 22h
d8-pod-reloader                 pod-reloader-7fcb65d4dc-tvk8q                     2/2     Running             0                 21h
d8-system                       deckhouse-8d6d7f8dc-xstjn                         1/1     Running             0                 22h
d8-system                       deckhouse-web-b44f84bf9-qrrxv                     1/1     Running             0                 21h
d8-system                       deckhouse-web-dex-authenticator-84dcc46bf-2d6vs   2/2     Running             1 (21h ago)       21h
d8-system                       deckhouse-web-dex-authenticator-84dcc46bf-jmp9f   2/2     Running             0                 21h
d8-system                       webhook-handler-575f568d98-fzpzq                  1/1     Running             0                 21h
d8-system                       webhook-handler-575f568d98-ptqhf                  1/1     Running             0                 21h
d8-upmeter                      smoke-mini-a-0                                    1/1     Running             0                 2m26s
d8-upmeter                      smoke-mini-b-0                                    1/1     Running             0                 87s
d8-upmeter                      smoke-mini-c-0                                    1/1     Running             0                 26s
d8-upmeter                      smoke-mini-d-0                                    1/1     Running             0                 4m26s
d8-upmeter                      smoke-mini-e-0                                    1/1     Running             0                 3m26s
d8-upmeter                      status-bdfcf8c8c-7mrbb                            1/1     Running             0                 15h
d8-upmeter                      status-dex-authenticator-b6754856c-652q7          2/2     Running             1 (21h ago)       21h
d8-upmeter                      status-dex-authenticator-b6754856c-xfcwx          2/2     Running             1 (21h ago)       21h
d8-upmeter                      upmeter-0                                         2/2     Running             0                 21h
d8-upmeter                      upmeter-dex-authenticator-85974b884b-4c7ww        2/2     Running             1 (21h ago)       21h
d8-upmeter                      upmeter-dex-authenticator-85974b884b-b69sd        2/2     Running             1 (21h ago)       21h
d8-upmeter                      webui-7849cf766c-k5t8v                            1/1     Running             0                 21h
d8-user-authn                   dex-66d5657bfc-2xkmr                              2/2     Running             0                 21h
d8-user-authn                   dex-66d5657bfc-lh5jw                              2/2     Running             0                 21h
kube-system                     coredns-68bbc8b67d-fgttt                          1/1     Running             0                 22h
kube-system                     coredns-68bbc8b67d-t2l2b                          1/1     Running             0                 22h
kube-system                     kube-apiserver-master-1                           1/1     Running             0                 22h
kube-system                     kube-apiserver-master-2                           1/1     Running             0                 22h
kube-system                     kube-apiserver-master-3                           1/1     Running             0                 22h
kube-system                     kube-controller-manager-master-1                  1/1     Running             1 (22h ago)       22h
kube-system                     kube-controller-manager-master-2                  1/1     Running             1 (22h ago)       22h
kube-system                     kube-controller-manager-master-3                  1/1     Running             1 (22h ago)       22h
kube-system                     kube-scheduler-master-1                           1/1     Running             2 (22h ago)       22h
kube-system                     kube-scheduler-master-2                           1/1     Running             1 (22h ago)       22h
kube-system                     kube-scheduler-master-3                           1/1     Running             1 (22h ago)       22h
kube-system                     vpa-admission-controller-796d4d56bb-2mkkd         1/1     Running             0                 22h
kube-system                     vpa-admission-controller-796d4d56bb-c8dsm         1/1     Running             0                 22h
kube-system                     vpa-admission-controller-796d4d56bb-jhf9l         1/1     Running             0                 22h
kube-system                     vpa-recommender-6dbdd4b67f-27l6p                  1/1     Running             0                 22h
kube-system                     vpa-updater-5c67d75775-drh4p                      1/1     Running             0                 22h
kubelet-serving-cert-approver   kubelet-serving-cert-approver-669cc9f99c-8ztmg    1/1     Running             0                 22h
metallb-system                  controller-666bffdb48-92hdx                       1/1     Running             0                 22h
metallb-system                  speaker-7gch4                                     1/1     Running             0                 22h
metallb-system                  speaker-8tkln                                     1/1     Running             0                 22h
metallb-system                  speaker-bwh24                                     1/1     Running             0                 22h
metallb-system                  speaker-l74vt                                     1/1     Running             0                 22h
metallb-system                  speaker-pcdm8                                     1/1     Running             1 (22h ago)       22h
metallb-system                  speaker-qwz6f                                     1/1     Running             0                 22h
metallb-system                  speaker-qx94d                                     1/1     Running             0                 22h
metallb-system                  speaker-z9cdq                                     1/1     Running             0                 22h
kubectl get vpa -A
NAMESPACE                NAME                              MODE      CPU    MEM          PROVIDED   AGE
d8-cert-manager          annotations-converter-webhook     Auto      25m    52428800     True       22h
d8-cert-manager          cainjector                        Initial   25m    78221997     True       22h
d8-cert-manager          cert-manager                      Auto      12m    63544758     True       22h
d8-cert-manager          webhook                           Initial   25m    52428800     True       22h
d8-dashboard             dashboard                         Auto      30m    52428800     True       22h
d8-dashboard             dashboard-dex-authenticator       Auto      12m    26214400     True       22h
d8-dashboard             metrics-scraper                   Auto      25m    52428800     True       22h
d8-ingress-nginx         controller-main                   Auto      23m    183046954    True       21h
d8-monitoring            control-plane-proxy-425f55b4      Auto                          False      22h
d8-monitoring            ebpf-exporter                     Auto      12m    26214400     True       22h
d8-monitoring            extended-monitoring-exporter      Auto      12m    26214400     True       22h
d8-monitoring            grafana                           Auto      11m    183046954    True       22h
d8-monitoring            grafana-dex-authenticator         Auto      12m    26214400     True       22h
d8-monitoring            image-availability-exporter       Auto      12m    26214400     True       22h
d8-monitoring            kube-state-metrics                Auto      12m    26214400     True       22h
d8-monitoring            monitoring-ping                   Auto      25m    52428800     True       22h
d8-monitoring            node-exporter                     Auto      11m    17476266     True       22h
d8-monitoring            prometheus-longterm               Initial   11m    23574998     True       22h
d8-monitoring            prometheus-main                   Initial   203m   1102117711   True       22h
d8-monitoring            prometheus-metrics-adapter        Initial   23m    49566436     True       22h
d8-monitoring            trickster                         Auto      35m    26214400     True       22h
d8-operator-prometheus   prometheus-operator               Auto      12m    49566436     True       22h
d8-pod-reloader          pod-reloader                      Auto      12m    49566436     True       22h
d8-system                deckhouse                         Initial   296m   297164212    True       22h
d8-system                deckhouse-web                     Initial   25m    52428800     True       22h
d8-system                deckhouse-web-dex-authenticator   Auto      12m    26214400     True       22h
d8-system                webhook-handler                   Auto      25m    52428800     True       22h
d8-upmeter               status                            Auto      25m    52428800     True       22h
d8-upmeter               status-dex-authenticator          Auto      12m    26214400     True       22h
d8-upmeter               upmeter                           Auto      50m    50Mi         True       22h
d8-upmeter               upmeter-a                         Auto      25m    52428800     True       21h
d8-upmeter               upmeter-agent                     Auto                          False      22h
d8-upmeter               upmeter-b                         Auto      25m    52428800     True       21h
d8-upmeter               upmeter-c                         Auto      25m    52428800     True       21h
d8-upmeter               upmeter-d                         Auto      25m    52428800     True       21h
d8-upmeter               upmeter-dex-authenticator         Auto      12m    26214400     True       22h
d8-upmeter               upmeter-e                         Auto      25m    52428800     True       22h
d8-upmeter               webui                             Auto      25m    52428800     True       22h
d8-user-authn            dex                               Auto      12m    26214400     True       22h
kube-system              vpa-admission-controller          Initial   25m    52428800     True       22h
kube-system              vpa-recommender                   Auto      25m    52428800     True       22h
kube-system              vpa-updater                       Auto      25m    52428800     True       22h

Now we can actually access Grafana and see that every monitoring aspect is already configured for us:

While Deckhouse modules do not cater to all the requirements of the cluster, it does deploy critical components that are challenging to configure, such as monitoring and VPA. With Deckhouse, a production-ready monitoring system is readily available within the cluster, which can be used for tasks such as alerting, application monitoring & logs, and even node/pod auto-scaling if necessary.