
Who am I?

My name is Boriss Novickovs and I am a DevOps engineer from a Linux administration background.

What do I do?

I am interested in everything Kubernetes related and this blog is intended to share what I learnt during different k8s experiments with a focus on mastering the fundamentals and visual explanations.

Side Projects

WeeCodeLab - online virtual tech company
Online virtual tech company. Makers of Tribal - online RPG video game based on slavic mythology and fantasy RPG world.
Tribal is an online role-playing game featuring traditional CRPG experience with a tactical, simultaneously turn-based combat system.


Microservices: Docker, Kubernetes (Talos, Rke2, Rke, Kubespray, Kubeadm) GKE, Openshift (OKD), Kubeadm, Helm, ArgoCD, Rancher, Istio, Anthos Service Mesh
Automation, scripting & CI/CD: Ansible, Terraform, Bash, YAML, HTML, Azure Devops, Gitlab, Bamboo, Jenkins
Monitoring & Logging: Sysdig, Icinga2, Prometheus & Grafana stack, Opsgenie, Elasticsearch, Filebeat, Fluentbit, Loki, Dynatrace
Storage: CEPH, OpenEBS/Mayastor, Longhorn, Linstor, S3/Minio/RGW
Web Server & LB: Nginx, Haproxy, keepalived, MetalLB, Nginx Ingress
Cloud & Server administration: AWS, GCP, Openstack Core + Magnum & Octavia, Kolla, ESXi & VSphere, Proxmox, SmartOS, Windows Server
Networking: Openshift SDN, Cilium, Neutron, Cisco IOS Routing & Switching, VLANs, DNS & DHCP, PXE, Calico, Weave